Michael Lazzaro wrote:
> > What if a subclass adds extra, optional arguments to a 
> > method, is that ok?
> This is the scariest question, I think...  In theory, yes, there are 
> lots of potential interfaces that would benefit from optional 
> extensions, & I've made a few.  In strict terms, though, they violate 
> the whole idea of "common, invariant interface", so I never know if 
> what I've done is Acceptable, or a Shameful Hack...  anyone care to 
> make a case either way on this one?

I don't think that the addition of an optional parameter
violates any substitution principle: users of the base-class
interface couldn't use the extra params (because they're not in
the interface); but a user of the derived-class's interface
can use the extra power (because they are in that interface).
A derived class is always allowed to add things (thus, you can
weaken preconditions, stengthen postconditions, add extra
methods, return a more specific result, ...; but you can't
strengthen a precondtion, nor weaken a postcondition, etc.)

On a slightly different note, if we have interfaces then I'd really
like to follow the Eiffel model: features such as renaming methods
in the derived class may seem a bit strange; but they can be useful
if you have have name-conflicts with multiple inheritance. Oh yes,
and we need to make sure DBC stuff is part of the interface, not
the implementation.


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