On 2002-10-17 at 22:52:49, Smylers wrote:
> Larry Wall wrote:
> >     $a .| $b        # bitwise or
> >     $a .! $b        # bitwise xor
> On glancing down your list I initially misread the bar as an exclamation
> mark.  I realize that this is a sample size of one, but certainly in
> this terminal font those only differ by a single pixel and it's possible
> that this could become a source of confusion.
Make that a sample size of two.  I think the confusion is actually
increased by the period; in this font 
(X11 fd: misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--20-200-75-75-c-100-iso10646-1),
the period is notably larger than the dot of the exclamation point, which
visually reduces the significance of that tiny gap.  

This wasn't a problem in Perl5 becuase ! and | could be distinguished
by context; there was no binary ! or unary | (unless you count the pipe
syntax of open(), but there again you have a visually distinct context).  
As soon as you introduce one or the other of those you have a very
subtle visual distinction going on.

Mark REED                    | CNN Internet Technology
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