Whilst I don't wish to get Medieval on your collective donkey I must
say that I'm really not sure of the utility of the proposed infix
superposition ops. I'm a big fan of any/all/one/none, I just think

    one(any($a, $b, $c), all($d, $e, $f))

Is a good deal more intention revealing than the superficially
appealing than

    ($a & $b & $c) ^ ( $d | $e | $f )

which takes rather more decoding. And if you *do* want to use such
operators, surely you could just do 

    use ops ':superpositions';

in an appropriate lexical scope. Am I missing something?


   "It is a truth universally acknowledged that a language in
    possession of a rich syntax must be in need of a rewrite."
         -- Jane Austen?

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