> > where the distance grows with property-syntax-complexity.
> Oh, *that's* what you're concerned about?
> Then you're just not thinking in enough simultaneous dimensions:
>       my int ($pre, $in, $post) is constant
>               = (0,    1,   2    );

This could been written faster in a single line, without decorating with
extra newline+tab+tab+tab+tab:

 my constant int ($pre, $in, $post) = ( 0, 1, 2 );

> or even:
>       my int ($one,    $two,   $three,  $four,  $five,  $six, 
>  $seven )
>          is Prop('camel', 'perl', 'camel', 'perl'             
>            )
>               = (0,       1,      2,       3,      4,      5, 
>     6      );


> However, I have to say that I consider it a questionable 
> practice to declare multiple constants in a single statement. 
> Which makes much of this discussion moot from my point of view.

I intended to address property syntax in general (where constant is just
an example). So please don't proof me wrong with just taking a very
primitive example. My believe is to clear something fogged by syntax.
Back to natural reading:

 my <wise> <uncles> ( john, james, jim and tony ) are ( 42, 77, 32, 34

is a template for 

 my <property> <type> ($john, $james, $jim, $tony ) = ( 42, 77, 32, 34

could be in real world application for making statistics about average
age of webshop users:

 my Customer('WebShop') AGE ( $john, $james, $jim, $tony ) = ( 42, 77,
32, 34 );


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