Murat Ünalan wrote:

Then you're just not thinking in enough simultaneous dimensions:

	my int ($pre, $in, $post) is constant
              = (0,    1,   2    );

This could been written faster in a single line, without decorating with
extra newline+tab+tab+tab+tab:
It's source code. Four extra keystrokes is a negligible price to pay for the
clarity gained.

could be in real world application for making statistics about average
age of webshop users:

 my Customer('WebShop') AGE ( $john, $james, $jim, $tony ) = ( 42, 77,
32, 34 );
And that shows precisely why Perl 6 does it the other way. Prepending extended
properties like that makes the declaration almost unreadable. Because it
separates the properties from the variables they qualify. Expecially compared

 my AGE ( $john, $james, $jim, $tony ) is Customer('WebShop')
      = ( 42,    77,     32,   34    );

Besides which, multiple variables like this are almost always exactly the
wrong solution. Especially for statistical applications.

You really want:

  my AGE %customers = ( John=>42, James=>77, Jum=>32, Tony=>34 );


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