Philip Hellyer wrote:

Damian's proposal didn't say anything about array params.  If I understood
him correctly, then this should print "FOO" on standard out:

    my $foo = "FOO";
    $foo ~> print;

The opposite 'squiggly arrow' fiddles the indirect object, so perhaps this
would print "FOO" on standard error (modulo the STDERR syntax, which I think

changed when I wasn't looking):

    $foo ~> print <~ STDERR;
Bad Philip! Wicked, wicked Philip!


One *might* argue that <~ ought to be of higher precedence than ~>
(i.e. that invocants ought to be bound ahead of other arguments).

If so, then:

      $foo ~> print <~ $*STDERR

is really:

      $foo ~> print $*STDERR:

is really:

      $foo ~> print $*STDERR: $foo

So yes.

But don't do that!



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