>> I'm just suggesting the same for the ~ character:
>>     ~~   smart-match
>>     ~    concatenate
>>     ~|   stringy bitwise OR
>>     ~>   append args
>>     <~   invocate
> This is where I get lost.  I see 4 different concepts being overloaded
> onto '~'.
> In the first it indicates 'match' just as it always has for =~ and !~.
> In the second, it is being used for concatentation - nothing to do with
> matching.  In the third it is being used to cast stringwisely - nothing
> to do with matching or concatenation.  In the fourth and fifth it is
> being  used to re-order arguments - nothing to do with matching,
> concatenation (well, possibly concatenation of argument lists) or
> stringwise casting.

Well, I always used =~ // for strings, and (from what I gather) ~~ is the
uber =~ in that it can figure out types and meaningfully guess what
"matches" means, so I see the first 3 as "string toys", just as the -- -
and -= were all "subtraction"

I'll give you that ~> and <~ don't do stringy things, though :)  But I
think they'd be read, once it's more than theories in email messages ;o,
as single ops (like the ->) rather than "squiggly and arrow" it'd be
"squigglyarrow" ... I think the major concern would, to me, be that ~> and
-> are kinda close, visually, and I imagine nearly indistinguishable in
some fonts :/

> I would like to see '~' kept for matching and just matching.  It is well
> known in this role and is analogous to the "roughly equals" operator in
> the Real World (extended ASCII character 247 - just don't ask me to type
>  it).

Now you've given them ideas :)  we're all gonna be typing &#8776; (OK, so,
all I can get is that it's unicode 2248; still haven't figured out how to
ACTUALLY type it :o  Alt-247(˜) seems to be the wrong character though and
I don' see it anywhere on my HTML ascii chart :/

> I also think '_' should be used for concatenation because it's in
> keeping  with the existing use of 123_456.

That actually reads like _ is a null character "This is not the character
you are looking for.  There is no character, there is only zool" kinda
thing ... I know it's concat, but it reads more like a "visual separation
character that is COMPLETELY ignored by the parser, except insofar as to
explicitly ignore it"

> As a prefix character to indicate stringwise (numberwise, bitwise, etc)
> casting, can we not use a single character prefix, e.g. 's' for string,
> 'n' for number, 'b' for bitwise, 'v' for 'vector', and so on?
>    $a s| $b;    # stringwise
>    $a b| $b;    # bitwise
>    $a n| $b;    # numberwise
>    @a v| @b;    # vector
>    @a vsn| @b;  # vector stringwise bitwise

I think this was brought up during the operators thread (I admit, I only
skimmed it ... I had 6 or 7 versions in my inbox when I got to it :/) and
the "against"s pointed out that it would mandate whitespace separation
(although, some of the coders I know could live with some mandatory style
guidelines, ugh) ...

>> I mean, compare:
>>          @a ~> grep {...} ~> map {...} ~> sort ~> @a;
>> with:
>>          @a |> grep {...} |> map {...} |> sort |> @a;
>> I don't know about *your* font, but in mine the ~> and <~ versions are
>> at least twice as readable as the |> and <| ones.
> In my font, or perhaps more importantly, to my eye, the |> and |< are
> more readable.  But regardless, I think it's more important to make the

To me, for some reason, |> reads as a forward gate "Do not continue unless
the previous item was true; if it was, feed the result here" ... <|
doesn't read like much, and |< looks like some 1337 h4xx0r trying to be
cool, honestly :o  It just looks broken!  As an op, I would expect it to
translate to "OR Less Than" and I can't come up with how to use that "$a
== 7 |< 200" I guess :o

And would the consistency rules require them to be:
~> ~< ?  so that the ops look similar?  (If so, I'm gonna vote that ~<
looks like a  fish and is just weird :)


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