>>>>> "MJR" == Mark J Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  MJR> A reference is fundamentally a pointer, but that doesn't help.  My point
  MJR> was that if you're talking about lists vs. arrays, you have at least
  MJR> three different syntaxes to distinguish:

  MJR>         (1,2,3)

  MJR>         @arrayName

  MJR>         [1,2,3]

one simple explanation still works i think. arrays are allocated and
lists are on the stack. so arrays can have references to them but lists
can't. this works with both lvalue and rvalue. a list of lvalues is on
the stack and can be assigned to. you can't push/pop/splice a list on the
stack. you can take slices from a list on the stack. 

the whole notion is that lists are always temporary and arrays can be as
permanent as you want (an array ref going quickly out of scope is very
temporary). lists can't live beyond the current expression but arrays can.

can anyone see any changes in perl6 to invalidate that separation of
lists and arrays?


Uri Guttman  ------  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -------- http://www.stemsystems.com
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