--- Dave Whipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Piers Cawley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
> > Parsers with Pre-processors
> > I didn't quite understand what Dave Whipp was driving at when
> > he talked about overloading the "<ws>" pattern as a way of doing
> > preprocessing of Perl 6 patterns. I didn't understand Luke 
> > Palmer's answer either. Help.
> Let me see if I can clarify a bit.


> I believe that an obvious inference is that :w processing should
> include the preprocessor parsing. Then the issue becomes one of 
> mechanism: how do we tell :w what our (complex) definition of 
> whitespace is; and how to we implement the preprocessor commands 
> to modify the input-stream to the regex engine. Even though I'm not
> sure that my original answers are correct (perhaps some form of 
> C<temp> would be a better approach), I'll refer you back to my 
> original post (and Luke's reply) for those details. I also need
> to think about how C-macros would be implemented.

Actually, IMO this goes back to the conversation we had some time about
about being able to run grammars/patterns against arbitrary objects.

What you really want is to be able to "chain" grammars:

> my $fh = open "<hello.c";
> $fh =~ /<Grammars::Languages::C>/;

grammar Grammars::Languages::C {
  method init {
    $.source = (new Grammars::Language::C::Preprocessor).open($source);

grammar Grammars::Languages::C::Preprocessor {
  rule CompilationUnit {
    ( <Directive> | <UnprocessedStuff> )*

  rule Directive {
    <Hash> ( Include
           | Line   
           | Conditional
           | Define
    ) <Continuation>*

  rule Hash { /^\s*#\s*/ }
  rule Include {...}
  rule Line {...}
  rule Conditional {...}
  rule Define {...}
  rule Continuation {...}
  rule UnprocessedStuff {...}

Except that it would probably be even better to do this arbitrarily.

> my $fh = open "<hello.c";
> $fh =~ /<Grammars::Languages::C>/;

$fh =~ /<Grammars::Languages::C(input_method =

(Of course, in reality the C grammar would automatically use the
preprocessor as its input method without having to be told. But it
should be able to do so as two separate grammars.)


my $fh = open "<perl.1.gz";

$fh =~ /<Grammars::Languages::Runoff::Nroff(input_method
         = Grammars::Languages::Runoff::tbl(input_method
           = Grammars::Language::Runoff::eqn(input_method
             = IO::Gunzip)))>/;


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