--- David Storrs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 21, 2003 at 12:19:11PM -0700, Austin Hastings wrote:
> > Likewise:
> > 
> > my $fh = open "<perl.1.gz";
> > 
> > $fh =~ /<Grammars::Languages::Runoff::Nroff(input_method
> >          = Grammars::Languages::Runoff::tbl(input_method
> >            = Grammars::Language::Runoff::eqn(input_method
> >              = IO::Gunzip)))>/;
> Very cool.
> Assuming this ran successfully, what would the match object contain?
> Or, more specifically, how would you get the pieces out?  Using $1,
> $2
> etc would get cumbersome...is there an easier way? 

I thought about that briefly when composing my original reply.
Obviously, you want the act of invoking the grammar to "do something".
That is, when you say:

  my $fh =~ /<Grammar>/;

you want it to DTRT.

So what's TRT?  IMO, for complex grammars it's going to build a parse
tree, complete with associated structures (symbol tables, etc). Thus,
the "Match" object will be the head of a really, REALLY big data

Technically $0 should probably refer to the entire file (as a String)
and to the parse tree (as Object). But an "extra" method for this
GrammarParseTree object would have been added -- C<getPreprocessed> or
some such -- which returns the entire file after cc -E.

So having Grammar::TopLevel call getc() (or whatever) which then
(because C<input_method = Grammar::BottomLevel>) accesses its own
internal string from Grammar::BottomLevel which presumably has been
remapped to the "right" format -- that's what a preprocessor does, no?

Obviously, the engine should be smart enough to read far enough ahead
to generate correct output, but no smarter.


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