Luke Palmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Cool stuff.   In my usual pedantic sort of way, I'll go through the
> message and fix everything you said.  For educational purposes only, of
> course :-)

  Thanks :-)

  For further education, some more questions/comments, if I may:

>     # Let's say C<is parsed> args come before the default infix args
>     macro infix:[ ($op, $lhs, $rhs)  
>           is parsed( /:w (<Perl6.expr>) \]/ )


> You shouldn't parse the right hand side yourself.  That fixes the issue.

  I was not aware of this option.  A6/E6 gave me the impression that
C<is parsed> would override the default parsing of the RHS, not merely
augment it.  Does the parsed-trait somehow interact with the signature
of the macro, to find out whether to extend or replace?

  That is, can I write prefix:-macros that do not take the default RHS
parameters, but only the ones generated by C<is parsed>?  Quotelike
operators come to mind:

macro prefix:qtex ($raw)
      is parsed( /(<Perl6.delimited_balanced .*?>)/ ) { ... }

  Or would that be accomplished by another keyword, indicating what,
in the absence of C<is parsed>, would be 0-ary?  term:qtex, perhaps?
I guess that depends upon what kind of consistency you are aiming for.

> Do you I<want> to give me a heart attack? :-/

  Nope.  I will try to restrain myself.

> This would be fine, I think:
>     sub eqn ($n) { &String::strncmp.assuming(n => $n) }

  You mean it would be fine for using with the infix:[ macro, right?
But then you could not get the precedence you want.  You would be
stuck with whatever precedence infix:[ was given.

All bridge hands are equally likely, but some are more equally likely
than others.
                -- Alan Truscott

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