On Tue, Apr 20, 2004 at 10:55:51AM -0700, Larry Wall wrote:
The flip side is that, since we won't use C<`> as an operator in Perl
6, you're free to use it to introduce any user-defined operators
you like, including a bare C<`>.  All is fair if you predeclare.
Most languages won't even give you that...

I just realized there's another operator that has no infix meaning yet, and so is free to use (and perhaps more visually pleasing):

%hash\key (or $foo\bar\baz\42 )

vaguely reminiscent of DOS/Win32 paths :-D

Just curious, when adding such an operator myself, would it be possible to make it work on both hashes and arrays, without making the op very slow?

Matthijs van Duin  --  May the Forth be with you!

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