David Green writes:
> Then I thought that maybe "for" doesn't need to work lazily (except that 
> the conveniently just-posted Synopsis 4 confirms that it is supposed to 
> be lazy).  Or maybe "for" is only "as lazy as is reasonable", meaning if 
> it knows how (e.g. if you're using an array or filehandle, which have 
> known ways to meander through lazily), or if you write a really fancy 
> iterator for your object that can handle laziness.  

The implementation of C<for> will be very simple.  Something like:

    sub for ([EMAIL PROTECTED], *&code) {
        code(*splice @args: 0, &code.arity) while @args;

So all the laziness goes into the array implementation.  But you don't
even need to write your iterator fancily.  If you just write your scalar
version of postcircumfix:<>, Perl will do the rest.  The list version
isn't all that complicated either.  Something like:

    method postcircumfix:<> ($self: *%opt) returns List { 
        scalar $self.<*%opt>, $self.<*%opt>  # [1]

If I write it functionally like that, Perl will still do all the rest.
Laziness is built right in the language.  And that's one of the biggest
semantic differences from Perl 5.


[1] Look, Larry, I had to use C<scalar>!  Maybe we _do_ need to revive

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