On Tue, 30 Nov 2004, Brent 'Dax' Royal-Gordon wrote:

I like this in general.  However...

Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
    * Since we already stole angles from iterators, «$fh» is not
        how you make iterators iterate.  Instead we use $fh.fetch (or
        whatever) in scalar context, and $fh.fetch or @$fh or $fh[]
        or *$fh in list context.

I believe you tried this one a couple years ago, and people freaked out. As an alternative, could we get a different operator for this?
Any other suggestions, people?

I think I will miss angles... well, at least for some time. Of the proposal above I like best @$fh, since it's the one that most conveys the idea of syntactic sugar for iteration while still being fundamentally intuitive.

Michele -- Se, nella notte in cui concepi' il duce, Donna Rosa, toccata da divina luce, avesse dato al fabbro predappiano invece della fica il deretano, l'avrebbe presa in culo quella sera Rosa sola e non l'Italia intera. - Poesia antifascista

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