On 5/17/05, Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, May 17, 2005 at 10:10:22PM +0800, Autrijus Tang wrote:
> : Is the final level ($z and $w) participating in the MMD at all
> : as tiebreakers?  Luke mentioned that in all levels but the final
> : one, Manhattan distance (sum of inheritance deltas of each invs
> : to the expected types) is used, but on the final level, leftmost
> : tiebreaking is used.  Is that the case?  If yes, why? :)
> I don't recall ever saying anything like that, so that part of it
> is presumably speculative on Luke's part.  I can't say I like it.

Just for the folks not following along on IRC, I don't think I implied
that.  But Autrijus apparently inferred it :-).  Anyway, there is no
MMD whatsoever on the final level, so that:

    multi sub foo(Foo: Bar: Baz) {...}
    multi sub foo(Foo: Bar: Quux) {...}  # illegal redefinition


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