Ingo Blechschmidt wrote:

Is it intentional that there's no uniq in the current S29[1] draft?
See [2] for Damian saying that uniq is probably in.

It still probably is.

I wondered what uniq's default comparator should be, =:=?


Should it be possible to give an own comparator block, similar as with
grep? E.g.
  uniq <a b a a c d>;   # <a b a c d>

  uniq:{ abs $^a == abs $^b } 42, 23, -23, 23, 42
                        # 42, 23, 42

Yes, I'd expect that it would be implemented as a multisub, equivalent to:

    multi sub uniq (&key_for: [EMAIL PROTECTED]) {
        my %seen is shape(Any);
        return grep { %seen{key_for $datum}++ } @data;

    multi sub uniq (: [EMAIL PROTECTED]) {
        return uniq { $^self } @data;

Note that this implementation is order-preserving, does not require repeated elements to appear consecutively, and keeps only the first occurrence.

The usage would be:

    uniq <a b a a c d>;                          # <a b c d>

    uniq { abs $^value } 42, 23, -23, 23, 42;    # 42, 23

BTW, I am *sorely* tempted to suggest the following implementation instead:

    multi sub uniq (&key_for: [EMAIL PROTECTED] is copy) {
        my %seen_at_index is shape(Any);
        my @uniq;
        for @data -> $datum {
            my $prev_index_for_datum := %seen_at_index{key_for $datum};
            if defined $prev_index_for_datum {
                @uniq[$prev_index_for_datum] |= $datum;
            else {
                $prev_index_for_datum = [EMAIL PROTECTED];
                push @uniq, $datum;
        return [EMAIL PROTECTED];

    multi sub uniq (: [EMAIL PROTECTED]) {
        return uniq { $^self } @data;

which would produce:

    uniq <a b a a c d>;                          # <a b c d>

    uniq { lc } <a b C A a c d>;                 # 'a'|'A', 'b', 'C'|'c', 'd'

    uniq { abs $^value } 42, 23, -23, 23, 42;    # 42, 23|-23

But I'd want to think through the ramifications a little more carefully before actually advocating something that correct. ;-)


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