Autrijus Tang wrote:
So, this now works in Pugs with (with a "env PUGS_EMBED=perl5" build):

    use Digest--perl5;

    my $cxt = Digest.SHA1;

    # This prints: 66db83c4c3953949a30563141f08a848c4202f7f
    say $cxt.hexdigest;

This includes the "" from Perl 5., etc will
also work.

Now my question is, is my choice of using the "perl5" namespace indicator a sane way to handle this? Is it okay for Perl 6 to fallback to using Perl 5
automatically?  Or should I use something else than "use" entirely?

To my mind, the coupling seems wrong. If the "use" statement needs to state the language of the included module, then it would be difficult to later re-implement that module in p6.

My understanding is that there are clear rules (see S11) to distinguish p5 modules from p6: if the first keyword in the file is "module" or "class", then it's p6; otherwise assume p5.

Your use of hyphens puts your "perl5" indicator in the "URI" field (again, see S11), which is expected to refer to the author. "perl5" doesn't seem correct in this context. Even if you got rid of one of the hypthens (so that "perl5" is the "version"), then it still feels wrong. Each version of a module should be free to choose its language, but that should be encapsulated within the module.

If you do want to impose the language from the "use"er, the I'd expect an adverbial syntax: "use:p5 Digest;".


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