On 6/7/05, Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 07, 2005 at 09:41:49PM +0000, Luke Palmer wrote:
> : < and > still don't make sense as reduce operators.
> Yeah, I keep confusing them with min and max.
> : That reminds me, how are <, >, etc. defined anyway?  How can we tell
> : them to be list-associative with each other?
> Because they're all of that specific precedence level, which is defined
> to work that way by fiat, I suspect.  (Other operators have to be
> explicitly declared as list associative, and even then are only list
> associative with themselves, not with all other operators in their
> precedence level.)  I suppose it could be construed as some kind of
> default property on the actual precedence level, but it's not clear
> that that would be a useful generalization.

Okay, I was referring more to the implementation.  How do we tell apart:

    3 < 4 <= 5 == 5


    3 lt 4 >= 5 != 5



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