At 1:03 AM -0700 7/9/05, Jonathan Leffler wrote:
Can you explain which parts of the SQL:2003 mandate this notation? I've had a moderately good poke around my copy of ISO/IEC 9075-2:2003 (SQL/Foundation) and cannot find this. I'd like a few section numbers listed which describe this. The various places I've looked include: 19.6 (prepare statement), 9 (Additional Common Rules), 6.4 (<value specification> and <target specification>). I could have missed something in these places - or I could be looking in the wrong place.

Yes, I can quote some, in different places.  Look at these:

  SQL:2003, 4.29 "Host parameters" (pp90,91,92)
  SQL:2003, 5.4 "Names and identifiers" (pp151,152)
  SQL:2003 Foundation page 152 says:
    <host parameter name> ::= <colon><identifier>

See that last line in particular.  I don't see how it could be more clear.

This is my main source for the SQL:2003 documentation:

Or specifically: (warning, large file)

That page is run by someone leading / high up in the SQL standards group.

Note that those urls are printed in my SQL::Routine::Language POD file on CPAN, and the lines with specific pages and section names are in source/reference comments/documentation for the build_identifier_host_parameter_name() function in my SQL::Routine::SQLBuilder module. I do tend to give sources to back up anything important I do, which is good for third party validation.

The IDS (IBM Informix Dynamic SQL) syntax has a number of places where :<digits> can appear with a meaning other than placeholder, and there are also a number of places where :<identifier> can appear with a meaning other than placeholder. So, it would be extremely difficult to add :<identifier> notation into IDS. (One of the bits I had to remove from DBD::Informix was code from DBD::Oracle that simulated :<identifier> notation - because it breaks too much else.)

A variety of databases, such as Oracle, already have support for just the format I described, which I believe was also in SQL:1999. In fact, I think that Oracle's own extensions of earlier SQL standards had a lot of influence on later SQL standards such as this, though I can think of multiple differences too.

This ties in with my previous comment, too; don't try to demand too much of the drivers, or the driver writers. As long as you've got a good surrogate system in DBI that can simulate those accurately for DBMS that only support '?' (positional) placeholders, then DBI v2 can do what the heck it likes. But as soon as it is inaccurate - translates things that should not be translated - or cannot do the translation automatically, then you will lose drivers (or, more accurately, driver writers).

I don't see how :foo is significantly more difficult than ? to simulate accurately.

I'm all in favour of looking at the big picture and trying to see where you want to go. However, you must also keep an eye out for the marshes between where you are and where you want to go; don't let DBI be sunk by ignoring the realities of the available DBMS.

At the same time, don't let today's technology limit what you do in preparation for tomorrow. DBI v2 is meant to be a forward-looking plan, as Perl 6 is, so we have to consider things that are reasonable for inclusion; even if it isn't common for native database support now, that isn't to say that native support won't come later, and when it does, we'll already be ready, or they'll even take what DBI does as a cue for what they can add.

-- Darren Duncan

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