On 7/9/05, Robin Redeker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 09, 2005 at 07:36:10AM -0700, Larry Wall wrote:
> > : > Why does it have to be some sugared syntax when you can just simple
> > : > name it in the parameter list?
> > :
> > : Yes, but there seem to be quite some people who want
> > : a 'cool' syntax for it. (ie. ./method ()).
> >
> > I wasn't thinking 'cool', I was thinking 'visually distinctive and
> > mnemonic'.  I actually think o. is cooler.
> Yes, i would like o. more too. At least it doesn't introduce
> a completly meaningless '/' preceded by a '.'.

I think we've established now that there are some people who really
don't like the ./ syntax, and who really feel like saying so,

I, for one, like it.

// Carl

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