
Austin Hastings wrote:
> How about "perl should DWIM"? In this case, I'm with Juerd: splat
> should pretend that my array is a series of args.


> So if I say:
> or if I say:
> I still mean the same thing: shuck the array and get those args out
> here, even the pairs.

Right, you name it: you get *pairs* out of the array, not named
parameters. Under the proposal, a Pair object doesn't have any special
magic -- it's simply

    class Pair { has $.key; has $.value is rw }


    my @array = (42, "hi", (a => 23));
    foo [EMAIL PROTECTED];  # same as

    foo 42, "hi", (a => 23);  # three positional params (Int, Str, Pair)

> It's worth pointing out that perl does know the list of declared named
> args, though that may not be enough. If the pair.key matches an
> expected arg, then splat should collapse it for sure. If it doesn't
> match...I dunno.

But that's exactly the problem. You shouldn't have to worry about any
special magic when dealing with [EMAIL PROTECTED] Consider:

    sub foo ($a, $b, $c, ?$d) {...}

    my @array = (1, 2, (key => "value"));
    foo [EMAIL PROTECTED];  # fine, no problem, $c will receive (key => "value")

    my @array = (1, 2, (d => "value"));
    foo [EMAIL PROTECTED];  # oops! $a = 1, $d = "value"
                  # "Required argument 'c' not given!"

> Is there a list() operator for converting hashes into lists of pairs?

    my @array_of_pairs = %hash;  # short for
    my @array_of_pairs = list %hash;


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