> Ruud H.G. van Tol:

>> Not at all: they just overlap at 0.
> OK, to me this spoils regularity. Like 'ab ' ~ ' xy'
> becoming 'ab xy' is at least surprising, if not outright wrong.
> That is
>     (~$x).chars + (~$y).chars == +((~$x) ~ (~$y))
> should always hold. Same thing for list concatenation which
> in Perl6 is provided by comma
>     (-3,-2,-1,0),(0,1,2,3) »==« (-3,-2,-1,0,0,1,2,3) »==« -3..0,0..3
> where the length of each is 4 + 4 == 8.

Yes for lists, but I see ^5 as an ordered set (with only unique

As domains:  [0,5> + <0,8] = [0,8]

The '+' was probably not the right symbol, a set-union-symbol would be
better. Or a circled-plus (direct sum), the empty range being the zero

  ^5 U 1..8 = ^9

As in arrays of a specific type: there can only be one value (of that
type) at index $i (or of course no value at all, when $i is outside the
index-range, or where a sparse array has a hole).

>> I hope those all resulted from the spoiling step, because I got lost.
> Well, I tried to argue for maintaining ^ as the kind/type capture
> sigil and make it available for structural analyses of arrays.
>    my ^x ^y ^z [EMAIL PROTECTED] = ( ( ( 1, 2); ( 3, 4); ( 5, 6) );
>                        ( ( 7, 8); ( 9,10); (11,12) );
>                        ( (13,14); (15,16); (17,18) );
>                        ( (19,20); (21,22); (23,24) ) );
>    [EMAIL PROTECTED] == 24; ^a == Array[^24] of Int;
>    +^z == 24; ^z == (0..23).kind;
>    +^y == 12; ^y == (0..11).kind;
>    +^x ==  4; ^x == (0,1,2,3).kind;

You just made me giggle again, sorry.

>>> And ^0 is *the* empty list.
>> Unintentional, but that's how many great things are found.
> You are not trying to make fun of me?

I certainly was. I felt that you pointed out several inconsistencies
that (I now think) resulted from my lack of understanding the history of
the '^', and that made me giggle (of insecurity), which as I wrote my
daughter duly noticed.

> What I tried to say is,
> that ^0 is the empty list type, not an empty list value. That
> is (,). In other words
>    $foo = ^0; # syntax error or on the fly type instanciation?
> Note that as Larry set up this thread, this would now be
> written
>    $foo = ::0;
> again. At it does not look like an empty list anymore.
> In a more detailed view the type of ^3 might actually
> be :(0=>0, 1=>1, 2=>2) or with the arrow :(0-->0, 1-->1, 2-->2).
> And  ^3.0 might be :(0=>0, 1=>0, 2=>0).
> This nicely lifts Juerds concerns about mixing the last index as
> ordinal number with the cardinal number of elements in the array
> from the value level up to the type level. Not making off-by-one
> errors is easier for the compiler than the programmer ;)
> Apart from having a nice syntax for ranges I would like to get
> array variables as *the* integer variables when you don't happen
> to care for the data in the array. That is things like
>    my @a = 10;
>    my @b = -3;
>    say @a + @b; # prints 7
> should first of all be allowed and imply proper integer semantics
> at a neglectable performance cost if any. And I wouldn't mind if this
> arithmetic spilled over to concatenating the lists of data in the
> array lazily at the top level:
>    @a = (0,1,2);
>    @b = (3,4,5,6);
>    @c = @a + @b; # higher precedence than (@a,@b)
>    say [EMAIL PROTECTED];  # prints 7
>    say @c[]; # prints 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
> This would also allow the distinction of
>    @a = 1..3;       # [EMAIL PROTECTED] == 3
>    @b = 1000..1003; # [EMAIL PROTECTED] == 3


>    @added = @a + @b; # @added = (1,2,3,1001,1002,1003); [EMAIL PROTECTED] == 6
> and
>    @range = @[EMAIL PROTECTED];  # @range = 1..1003; [EMAIL PROTECTED] = 1003
>    @range[207] == undef;
> BTW, should then
>    @range[20000] = 99;
> add a single element separated by a 18997 elements long gap and
> consequently [EMAIL PROTECTED] == 1004? This would re-optimize the index-set
> on assignment:
>    @packed = @range; # [EMAIL PROTECTED] == [EMAIL PROTECTED] == 1004
>                      # but @packed.last == 1003 and @range.last =
> 20000
>    say @packed[1003]; # prints 99
> What were the advantage of [EMAIL PROTECTED] == 20001? Other than
> allowing the dubious @range.last == [EMAIL PROTECTED] - 1? The gap
> could be made fillable by something to the effect of
>    @range.replenish(42); # fills undef cells eagerly, thus [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> ==
> 20001
>    @range.gaps = 23; # lazy fill and [EMAIL PROTECTED] == 1004 but
>    say @range[9999]; # prints 23
> Comments?

No, I'm swimming again. Sparse arrays with only prime indices will haunt
me in my sleep tonight.

Grtz, Ruud

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