
Overloading undef would be cool. This way Joe Coder can make it act
however he'd like when it's not used in the various contexts or
operations -- string, math, smart ... Basically a pragma (or
something) would define the behavior of all undefs declared within the
given scope. Since each undef is a magic object, it doesn't lose its
effect when undef variables are passed to methods enforcing different
undef behaviors because it carries the behavior from whence it was

Of course this might create problems when you want a native undef, so
it might be cool to have some Perl.undef() which returns one.

I thought of maybe a pragma, but it'd be easier on the programmer to
consider undef as an object like anything else, which has overloadable

A method trait stating "return undef if an 'undefined value' error
occurs" might be neat, too. Something like this might translate into
executing the sub in a try/catch such that if the undef error occurs,
undef is returned

- sebastian

On 12/16/05, Darren Duncan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Something else I've been thinking about, as a tangent to the
> relational data models discussion, concerns Perl's concept of
> "undef", which I see as being fully equivalent to the relational
> model's concept of "null".
> The root question of the matter is, what does "undef" mean to you?
> To me, it means "unknown", utterly and completely.
> Therefore, it does not make logical sense for any expression to
> return a defined value if it expects defined arguments and is given
> undefined ones.
> For example:
>   $foo = 4 + 3; # 7
>   $bar = 5 + 0; # 5
>   $baz = 6 + undef; # error
> What Perl 5 and Pugs both currently do in the last example is
> automagically convert the undef to a zero and put 6 in $baz.
> Likewise, with string examples:
>   $f = 'hello' ~ 'world'; # 'helloworld'
>   $r = 'one' ~ ''; # 'one'
>   $z = 'beer' ~ undef; # error
> But Perl 5 (equivalent) and Pugs will cast the undef as an empty string.
> I see the behaviour of Perl 5, which Pugs currently emulates, as
> being very, very wrong, and should be changed in Perl 6.
> An undefined value is NOT the same as zero or an empty string
> respectively; the latter two are very specific and defined values,
> just like 7 or 'foo'.
> Undef, by definition, is different from and non-equal to everything
> else, both any defined value, and other undefs.
> Therefore, I propose that the default behaviour of Perl 6 be changed
> or maintained such that:
> 0. An undefined value should never magically change into a defined
> value, at least by default.
> 1. Any expression that expects a defined value as an argument, such
> as typical mathematical or string operations, and gets an undefined
> argument, will as a whole have undef as its value, or it will fail.
> Examples are the expressions "$anything + undef" and "$anything ~
> undef".
> 1a. If such an expression will always return a value, the value is undef.
> 1b. If the expression is allowed to fail, it can do that instead.
> 2. Any boolean-returning expression should return undef or false or
> fail if given an undef.
> 2a. At the very least, "undef <equality-test-op> undef" should NEVER
> return true, because an unknown quantity can not be claimed to be
> equal to an unknown quantity.  Rather, the defined() method, which is
> analagous to 'IS NOT NULL', and such things are the proper way to
> test if a variable is unknown.
> 2b. As a pseudo-exception, while undef/unknown values are
> conceptually all unequal to each other, they should all sort
> together; eg, calling sort() on an array of values where some are
> defined and some not, should group all the undefs together.  I leave
> it up to discussion as to whether they should sort before or after
> all the defined values, but one of those choices should be picked for
> predictability.
> 3. In specific debugging situations, displaying an undefined value
> could print some user-visible text, such as '<undef>' (similar to
> Pugs' <obj:Foo>), so it is clearly distinguishible from a defined but
> empty string.  But I'm not a stickler for some other specific
> solution.
> 4. Plain assignments or value passing will still work the same as
> before; it is perfectly valid to pass around values whose values we
> know we definitely don't know or possibly don't know, if we're not
> trying to actually use them.  This includes assignment into composite
> type attributes.
> 5. In any situation where a developer wants an undefined value to
> become a zero or empty string or something else, they should say so
> explicitly, such as with:
>   $foo = undef // 0;
>   $bar = undef // '';
>   $baz = undef // $MY_DEFAULT;
> The fact is, that in any normal program, using an undefined value as
> if it were a defined one is a bug.  Normally there will be a point
> where such a variable should be tested for definedness and either be
> given a default value explicitly or fail.  Checking your input at the
> gates is good programming practice.
> Going further, I propose perhaps that the standard math and string
> etc functions simply throw exceptions if given undefined input,
> similarly to when one tries to call a function with a mis-matching
> argument signiture.  Bring it to a programmer's immediate attention
> that an undef is invalid for the operation, so they can fix it.  A
> simple warning that then merrily has them go on their way with a slap
> on the wrist is too weak.
> But if you don't decide to make the undefined value warnings fatal
> like I suggest, then my earlier (#1) suggestion of returning undef
> should be what is done when the program is allowed to merrily
> continue, rather than returning a defined value.  This is because a
> defined value doesn't actually make sense.
> Now, in the spirit of TMTOWTDI, such as for people that like to turn
> strictures or warnings off, I suggest that there can be an optional
> feature, perhaps a pragma or better a core module, where a developer
> can say that they want undefs to automatically become zero in numeric
> contexts or an empty string in string contexts, or false in boolean
> contexts, etc.  But they should have to explicitly activate that
> feature, like saying "treat undef as 0 in all my code", and this
> treating would not happen by default.
> Alternately, the meta-class that usual or standard classes are based
> on could include a property or trait or something that lets users
> explicitly say what happens when a container/variable of that class
> is undefined and one tries to use it in a defined context; eg:
> By default:
>   submethod value_when_undef() { return undef; }
> For a number class, could be overridden with:
>   submethod value_when_undef() { return 0; }
> Or with a string:
>   submethod value_when_undef() { return ''; }
> So users could get such defaulting behaviour automatically, but it
> doesn't happen by surprise because they still explicitly overwrote
> that method.
> But this method is better yet because users can then get that
> functionality with arbitrary other classes that Perl 5-ish has no
> magical conversion for.
> Installing a method like that is like SQL's "DEFAULT" clause in its
> domain/data-type definitions.
> Note that what value_when_undef() actually returns is an object.
> But still, the default action should be that undef never becomes
> anything magically, which aids in avoiding bugs.  Such as when you're
> using a value that you thought you tested but actually didn't.
> Automatic changes of undef into defined are non-intuitive, and can
> confuse people who don't expect them.  Less is more.
> Having users explicitly set defaults with //, or by setting a
> defaults method, makes the program more self describing, as you can
> see what it is doing in the code, and it isn't doing anything without
> saying so.
> My suggestions should not make Perl slower or more difficult to use.
> They should in fact make it easier to use.  And not significantly
> more verbose.
> Feedback?
> FYI, I feel more strongly about this issue than about the other
> relational things I mentioned, since the undef thing is more low
> level and very pervasive, not to mention quite simple to fix.
> -- Darren Duncan

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