Can we make this work?

     my $mod = "Some::Module";
     require $mod;

It's a very simple patch to pugs. While we're at it, does anybody see a
compelling reason to leave in the Perl 5 semantics of "require $file"?

We could follow the heuristic of the very sane Module::Load, and try
*either* a file *or* a module, but I'm wondering if it isn't a good time
to clean up how we look at modules of code and say that anything loaded
via use or require is named Perlishly only. %*INC keys would thus be
uniformly Perlish names, and their values can be an interesting
structure containing the relative and actual absolute path of the
resources loaded. (In fact, this is what recent pugs does :).

I know some code does "require 'foo.ini'", but can't that be relegated
to a module and use a different store than %*INC?


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