Stéphane Payrard |Perl 6| wrote:
I don't understand how = differs with that semantic from :=
I would expect that = would make a copy (clone?) of the object.
For a mutable object, I don't know if that copy should be immediate or deffered
by a mechanism of copy on write. Probably that behavior could depend on a
trait of the class that implements to be copied object.

Not the best illustration, but the only one I have prepared so far:

This shows $x = $y;.

The use of := (binding) would affect the leftmost column.
  my $z := $y;

would have $z's symbol table entry point to the same Item as $y, namely #8CD9.

Assignment (=) does not clone or copy the object. In the illustration, note that both Items refer to the same Dog (#A829) after assignment. With reference assignment semantics, if you want a copy or clone, you make one as an explicit step. Hence the existence of methods like deepcopy in the base Object of languages with that feature.

The copy-on-write behavior you suggest is what Perl 5 does to make operator overloading appear to have value semantics. But Perl 6 does not describe this mechanism in any way. Instead, "value types" are immutable so it doesn't matter that the object is not cloned.


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