The S16: chown, chmod thread seems to be too unix-focussed.

Perl6 is being born in a world dominated by the internet. Whilst perl was the glue for the internet when the internet was born, it was a unix child. I learned perl from a Windows perspective and I found the discussion of ownership and file tests odd. Moreover, there were things I wanted to do with perl that seemed unduly cumbersome in Windows because the paradigm perl used was a unix one, but adapted to Windows.

To be portable, the minimum assumptions need to be made about the environment in which a program operates. Alternatively, the software needs to be able to determine whether the environment it is operating in meets a minimum set of conditions.

Where software is written for a specific environment, the developer already knows more about the environment.

Thus I would suggest that the perl6 specifications should be written in an abstract way, one not related to a specific operating system and in a way that can be adapted by an implementor to specific systems.

Following the general perl6 philosophy, perhaps too there should be an abstract definition for the language that is "core" and additional modules that are specific to operating systems. Thus when generic software is distributed, it comes with an installer that determines the operating system chooses whether to use IO::Unix, IO::Unix::Gnome, IO::MS::WindowsXP, IO::MS::Vista, IO::Apple, etc.
Maybe also IO::Internet::Http, IO::Internet::Ftp?

Thus, questions concerning ownership, chown, etc would be left to modules. Modules for specific systems would make it easy to deal naturally with those systems. Software written specifically for one OS would explicitly "use" the appropriate module, and hence would be able to rely on constructs natural for that system.

The interesting questions then would be what abstract concepts should be core to perl6 and which ones should be left to

Do we continue to talk about a file, or do we talk about a resource or datastream?

When considering internet resources, the concept of trust is more important than the concept of ownership.

It would seem to me that a program should be aware of the continuing ability of the datastream to operate, viz., supply / accept data, so that a program doesnt hang waiting for data from a source that has been disconnected.

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