Included in my 'On junctions' message were some questions that have not been directly answered. I simplify and expand them here.

Here I use === to mean 'is the same as'.
(I am not sure which of == or === should be used.)

1) Is the following true for an any junction?
any( ... , any('foo','bar')) === any(...,'foo','bar')

If yes, then
if an 'any' junction is contained in an outer 'any', the inner 'any' can be factored out?

2) Also, is the following true for nested 'all' junctions? viz.
all(... , all('foo', 'bar')) === all(...,'foo','bar')

3) Conjecture: The following is true of all junction types, eg.,
junc(..., junc(...)) === junc(..., ...)

4) Are there any transformations of other nested junctions?


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