Darren (>):
> Firstly, regarding the string replication ops as documented in Synopsis 3,
> 'x' and 'xx', I'm wondering whether it might be better to have something
> that incorporates a '~', since that operation is about catenation.
> Would perhaps '~*' work better than 'x' to signify better what the operation
> is doing; the '~' in this case means catenation and the '*' is meant to
> invoke 'multiply', not 'whatever'.  So '~*' means "catenate a multiple of
> times".
> This would then free up 'x' to be used for something else, if anything.
> As for a substitution for 'xx', I'm less sure about that.
> Thoughts?

I like 'x' for string replication and 'xx' for list replication. To
me, they share a sort of symmetry with '*' and '**' that at least help
as a mnemonic to their use.

There's a bit of symbolism in using 'x' for strings repetition too.
You may want an asterisk in your version of the operator because the
asterisk symbolizes multiplication/repetition to you, but the 'x'
looks like a cross operator, and indicates to me that some kind of
multiplication is going on here, but not the regular one. I can read
'$text x 5' as 'dollar text times five' in a way that feels very

// Carl

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