In "Aiasing methods in CPAN roles", David Green wrote:
> Jon Lang wrote:
>> David Green wrote:
>>> I would expect that "role Logging { method log(Numeric $x:) {...} }"
>>> means the invocant is really of type Numeric & Logging, without Logging
>>> having to do Numeric.  On the other hand, I can see that strictly that might
>>> not make sense, so perhaps I really do need to create a compound NumLog type
>>> first, so I can have method log(NumLog:)?
>> I think you should need to do this.
> That's cumbersome, though.  I don't want to create some new type, that
> happens to do Numeric and Logging (in addition to other stuff it might do);
> I want to affect everything else that does both roles.  That is, I don't
> want my special log() method to work only for other types that explicitly do
> NumLog; I want it to work for any type that directly "does Numeric does
> Logging".

But if Logging doesn't do Numeric, why should it be expected to
provide a method that assumes that it does?

Jonathan "Dataweaver" Lang

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