On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 9:40 AM, Aaron Sherman <a...@ajs.com> wrote:
> For example:
> "Ab" .. "Be"
> defines the ranges:
> <A B> and <b c d e>
> This results in a counting sequence (with the most significant character on
> the left) as follows:
> <Ab Ac Ad Ae Bb Bc Bd Be>
> Currently, Rakudo produces this:
> "Ab", "Ac", "Ad", "Ae", "Af", "Ag", "Ah", "Ai", "Aj", "Ak", "Al", "Am",
> "An", "Ao", "Ap", "Aq", "Ar", "As", "At", "Au", "Av", "Aw", "Ax", "Ay",
> "Az", "Ba", "Bb", "Bc", "Bd", "Be"

There is one case where Rakudo's current output makes more sense then
your proposal, and that's when the sequence is analogous to a range of
numbers in another base, and you don't want to start at the equivalent
of '0000' or end up at the equivalent of '9999'. But that's a less
usual case and there's a workaround. Using your method & example, "Ab"
.. "Az", "Ba" .. "Be" would reproduce what Rakudo does now.

In general, I like it. Though it does mean that the sequence generated
incrementing "Ab" repeatedly will diverge from "Ab" .. "Be" after 4


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