On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 6:45 PM, Doug McNutt <dougl...@macnauchtan.com> wrote:
> Please pardon intrusion by a novice who is anything but object oriented.

No problem. Sometimes a fresh perspective helps to illuminate things.

Skipping ahead...

> Are you guise sure that the "..." and ".." operators in perl 6 shouldn't make 
> use of regular expression syntax while deciding just what is intended by the 
> programmer?

You kind of blew my mind, there. I tried to respond twice and each
time I determined that there was a way around what I was about to call

In the end, I'm now questioning the difference between a junction and
a Range... which is not where I thought this would go. Good question,
though I should point out that you could never reasonably listify a
range constructed from a regex because "reversing" a regex like that
immediately runs into some awful edge cases. Still, interesting stuff.

Aaron Sherman
Email or GTalk: a...@ajs.com

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