Am 17.11.2010 15:20, schrieb Oha:
On 11/17/2010 02:56 PM, Carl Mäsak wrote:
Or, by Ockham, since Duration is now deprived of its only task --
making life harder for the programmer -- remove it altogether from the
language and just put a number type in its place, representing number
of seconds.
I could be wrong but this reminds me that a Duration could not be only
based in seconds, but also in other units (which may automagically be
converted to seconds)

That's indeed a possible use case, but no such thing is specced at the moment.

and also those seconds may be leap or not.

They are not. As S02 says.

Maybe the point is that really the power of a Duration should not be
performed, unless you coerce the Duration in a specific unit value?

S02 is pretty explicit that usage of Duration as a numerical value assumes seconds as a unit.

Extending a bit more, does an Instant be specified in a TimeZone?

Read S02.

an Instant be incremented by Day units?

Only if you define a day as 24 * 60 * 60 seconds.

What happen if this increment
change from daylight saving to normal time?

Instants and Durations don't have such a concept. Please read S02.


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