On 11/17/2010 10:08 PM, Martin D Kealey wrote:

Dimensioned numbers as restrictive types are useful, for uncovering bugs,
including sometimes latent ones in ported code.

Duration is a fairly clear example of a dimensioned quantity, and I think we
should think twice about abandoning its dimensionality, and the
restrictions that implies.

If using strict dimensioned quantities, the restriction would not be that you cannot square it: it would be that you cannot assign the squared duration to an incompatible lvalue; and cannot add it to a value that is not also a squared duration. Thus

  use strict <dimensions>; # strict should be default in p6?
  my Duration $x = ...;
  sleep $x; # OK
  my $y = $x ** 2; # OK
  sleep $y; # error (no candidate for dispatch)
  my $z = $x + $y; # error (dimensionality mismatch)

The question, to my mind, is how to implement a "no strict <dimensions>" pragma. perhaps all dimensioned quantities would implement a role, that the pragma would tweak, to add implicit conversions to/from Numeric.

I do think that the dimensionality of Duration needs to be in the context of a broader framework.

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