On Sun, Nov 17, 2013 at 02:10:17PM -0800, Darren Duncan wrote:
> I recall reading that at least in certain math/logic papers that a
> programming language type system can be defined logically in terms
> of pure sets, making it essentially self-defined without needing to
> rely on external definitions of for example what a number is.

Well, it's true. But there's a more natural way for programming
languages. Church's theory of types defines everything using functions
as the primitive. While mathematics as a field has mostly settled on
set theory as its basis, type theory is equally expressive and is
usually preferred in language design.

> Does Haskell at least conceptually work in terms like I described?
> I seem to recall reading that how it logically thinks about string
> values is towards that direction.

Haskell, like most vaguely modern languages with a grounding in type
theory and a strict type system, is based on functions as primitives.

For a thorough primer on the subject, I recommend "An Introduction to
Mathematical Logic and Type Theory: To Truth Through Proof" for the
theory, and Ben Pierce's spectacular "Types and Programming Languages"
for the practical applications.


Most of the newly created programming languages (and all the ones that
aren't an embarrassment - Java, I'm looking at you) draw from these
ideas to some extent. If you want to look at one that takes the
concept out to the cutting edge of what is possible, I'd suggest Coq -
not very practical, but interesting.

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