On 27 Jan 2016 10:44 AM, Peter Pentchev wrote:
On Wed, Jan 27, 2016 at 10:32:46AM -0500, Felipe Gasper wrote:
But, what is the point of $! at all? The exception is given to the CATCH
block as $_. If I want access to it outside CATCH, isn’t the expected
workflow to save CATCH{$_} to a variable, the way my example does it?

Well, it makes it possible to write this concise thing:

   try my $f = open ...;
   die "Could not open $fname: $!" if $!;

Well, the problem there is that we shouldn’t have to check for failures; failures should check whether we handled them!

Could it not be:

try my $f = open(...) or die …


Personally, I don’t mind eval {} in Perl 5; I just $@ were dynamically-scoped the way $1, $2, etc. are. That would solve most of the issues with it.

Unrelated, but, does open() not throw on failures anyway? (Noodling with the perl6 REPL just now seems inconclusive.)


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