"Ben Tilly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 > "David Grove" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > >This is correct. I left a few months after the release of 5.005. As
 > >why Sarathy keeps insisting that we never worked there at the same
time, I
 > >have no idea. We did overlap as far as I know for about two or three
 > >months, but only spoke in a couple of brief emails. I don't believe
 > >it matters, and I know that it doesn't have anything to do with this
 > >forum. I have already addressed your other misconceptions from the
 > >you referenced.
 > Sarathy did not insist.  He just said that he does not
 > remember that you were working there, but said that
 > you were offsite so he just might not remember you.

No problem.

 > >I'm very curious to know what prompted this "public apology", but you
 > >should take it to private for any further discussion.
 > Sarathy sent me an email, pointed out the factual
 > error, and said he would appreciate a public apology
 > for the mistake.  Which I did.  I hate getting my
 > facts scrambled.  And which I would do for anyone
 > who pointed out a mistake of mine.

Well I do admit that the quotes were off, and when I saw them I about wet
my pants, but I simply corrected them. What concerned me was that the post
seemed to indicate that I had communicated "private information" to you,
which is untrue. However, I was the one misquoted. AS/GSAR may have reason
to ask for or to make clarification, but a title of "public apology", as I
said in my private email, left me to fear that you may have been subjected
to abuse, harassment, or legal threat. (Everything looked quite formal.)
I'm happy to know that this is not the case.

I have done my best to stay completely away from directly addressing
issues concerning ActiveState throughout the Perl 6 "process" and have
every intention of staying away from them and issues concerning them,
except to hope that we can correct flaws in our licenses and policies that
tolerate abuses, not just from ActiveState but from any company or person
who wants to conduct itself in a manner outside of acceptable behavior as
a Perl licensee. I'm content to see other people point out their abuses,
and settle back and try to work collectively with this group to figure out
how to correct the problem(s) at the foundation level without actually
damaging the ActiveState Corporation or their ability to conduct business
in a fair and responsible manner.

 > And to explain why this forum, this is where I made
 > the mistake.  How better to make sure that the
 > people who saw the original were aware that I had
 > got my facts scrambled?

No problem. I appreciate the correction.


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