At 12:17 AM 11/14/00 +0000, David Grove wrote:
>Dan & al.,
>I'm very surprised to see planning groups for api and parsing for perl6
>springing up, with goals of providing RFC's in nine days. This is rather
>confusing given that Larry hasn't yet (that I'm aware of) determined what
>Perl6 will even look like, what, if any, new keywords will be there, what
>will be features of the language, etc. Planning a map from "here" to
>"there" doesn't sound quite feasible when we don't know where "there" is.
>What am I missing?

Well, the APIs are for the most part independent of what Larry's doing--the 
API an interpreter presents to an extension doesn't have much to do with 
what the language looks like.

The deadlines are so close mainly because things got held up a bit. I asked 
Ask to set them up just before the mail loop from hell caught the vmsperl 
and p5p lists, so the deadlines are shorter than they need to be.

(Though I don't think we really need more than a few weeks to get a good 
set of working RFCs for this, though of course they'll get amended and 
expanded as work proceeds)


--------------------------------------"it's like this"-------------------
Dan Sugalski                          even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                         have teddy bears and even
                                      teddy bears get drunk

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