On Tue, Dec 05, 2000 at 05:10:22PM +0000, David Grove wrote:
> Kirrily Skud Robert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > Bah.  *I* like documenting.

But what do you like documenting based on?
Uncommented code?
Code with comments?
Code with comments plus some level of skeletal documentation from the

> will have to do some proofreading (also tedious) no matter what. If the

Bah. *I* like proofreading. Certainly for typos and English construction
if I can forget everything other than the last 2 sentences I read.

[note, I didn't say whether I was any good. :-)
However, my PhD thesis had few typos in it by the time it was submitted, so
I can't be /that/ bad at it]

Nicholas Clark

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