On Jan 7, 2008 1:34 PM, Richard Hainsworth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Definitely a good idea for the implementation / implementors to decide
> how to get a resource magically.
> But ...
> I have run into situations where I wanted to have more control over
> where specific resources were located, at least temporarily. And I could
> not find a simple way to do it in perl5.
> Or is there some other magic I have not understood (and there is a lot I
> dont understand) that would allow for this as perl6 is already specified?

I think you want the PERL5LIB environmental variable for Perl 5.  I
assume there will be a similar variable for Perl 6.

> True. Yet this implies all Perl programmers write for platform
> independence. My experience has been that when I was using perl under
> windows, I had to use ppm made available by ActiveState. Whereas for
> Linux, I could use CPAN directly. This indicates a conversion procedure
> and rules of best practice for software whose authors want it to be used
> cross-platform.
> <snip>

There is nothing that prevents you from using CPAN with ActivePerl on
Win32 systems.  Both nmake* and the compiler** are available from
Microsoft for free and you only need the compiler for XS based
modules.  The ppm packages are just for your convenience.

* http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;Q132084
** http://www.microsoft.com/express/download/#webInstall

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