I was able to surface long enough to review the use of perl modules in our 
current, perl5-based architecture. And the answer is that we hardly use any, 
because it was written against an old version of perl5 shipped with a very 
limited set of modules and little or no ability to add CPAN modules. 

Even my CGI accesses use Socket.pm, not CGI.pm which wasn't available for my 
customer's users. The only other module used in the existing main product is 
the proprietary CQPerlExt.pm which will be a problem in any case. And the 
install/configure tool uses Cwd and File::Copy.

For the new architecture, I will need an XML parser, preferably with DTD 
validation. From reviewing the parrot and pugs source trees, it looks like 
there is already progress toward providing that functionality. (An XML writer 
might be useful, but isn't critical. I've generated a lot of XML using print 
statements over the past few years.)

I would like to use an official CGI.pm, if one is available.

If there is no one already working on porting Cwd or File::Copy, I will make 
porting those to perl6 my introduction to serious perl6 work. Please let me 
know if either of them is made redundant by new features in perl6. I have been 
reviewing the faqs and wikis to refresh my memory about the new design, but 
might have missed something.

And if anyone is working on CGI or XML and wants a tester, please let me know.
Elyse Grasso

ReleaseTEAM Inc. 
phone 720-887-0489
fax 720-977-8010
cell 303-356-2717

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