On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 3:48 PM, Richard Hainsworth <rich...@rusrating.ru> wrote:
> Suppose I want a 'when' clause to fire when the test is *not* met. What
> syntax should be used?
> So how would I do
> my $x = 'abced';
> given $x {
>  when ! /<digit>/ {say 'this does not contain a digit'} # this does not work
> }
> Since the ~~ operator is implied in the when, how do we get an implied !~~
> operator?
> By analogy with the
> if/unless and while/until pairs, perhaps there should be an inverse for
> 'when'.
> I cant think of an immediate opposite to 'when', but how about
> although, yet, except, howbeit
> Perhaps (less elegant): when not, elided to 'whent'
> English doesnt seem to have a word that fits the opposite of
> 'when' <condition> <do this>
> In other words something that would substitute for
> 'when the following is not true' <condition> <do this>

English has "unless", but Perl doesn't have it free there.

Gaal Yahas <g...@forum2.org>

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