
On 25.03.2015 13:44, Tom Browder wrote:
> Given a class like:
> our %attrs = (age=>1,wgt=>2);
> class foo { has $.age = rw;}

should be 'has $.age is rw'. The "is" indicates a trait (not an

> method a {
>   for %attrs.kv -> $k, $v {
>      my $aval = self."$k"();  # supposed to work for a method name

Etiher method a needs to be inside class foo, or it needs to be a
subroutine, and refer to foo instead of self here.

A method outside a class doesn't ususally make sense, which is why you
get this message:

Other potential difficulties:
    Useless declaration of a has-scoped method in mainline (did you mean
'my method a'?)

>      say "attr { $k } has value '{ $aval }'";
>   }
> }
> Question:
> 1. How can I indirectly refer to the attributes in a method?  The
> above doesn't work (with or without the '()').

the indirect method call syntax is the right approach, you just got too
many other details wrong to make it work.


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