On Thu, Jul 02, 2015 at 03:21:11PM -0500, Tom Browder wrote:
> Okay, a second look shows me that's not quite as bad as I first though.

Another possibility is to let MAIN unpack the args for you, but then check 
the exclusivity directly instead of using multisubs to do it:

   sub MAIN(:$need, :$hope) {
       unless $need.defined xor $hope.defined {
           say "Usage: Exactly one of --need or --hope required";
           exit 1;
       # rest of MAIN goes here

Or use a one() junction, which reads quite nicely:

   sub MAIN(:$need, :$hope) {
       unless one( $need.defined, $hope.defined ) {
           say "Usage: Exactly one of --need or --hope required";
           exit 1;
       # rest of MAIN goes here


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