On Wednesday, January 27, 2016, Peter Pentchev <r...@ringlet.net> wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 27, 2016 at 07:00:11AM -0600, Tom Browder wrote:
> > Given so many handy methods for built-in classes, it would be nice to have
> > a couple of more for some, for instance:
> >
> > IO:Path.stemname
> >   Like basename except any suffix is removed
> Hmm, this sounds like a nice idea on a first glance, but then again,
> can you tell me exactly what situations would that be useful for?

Well, for decades I have used Perl 5 File::Basename for getting the
stem of a file name which I used in many automated data processing
situations where the suffix indicates a type of product and the stem
is, say, the project name.  The docs show it done like this:

  my ($filename, $dirs, $suffix) = fileparse($path, @suffixes);

where @suffixes can be a regular expression that includes all text
after and including the last period.  And any suffix is removed from
the filename.

> So a function that would remove *any* filename extensions, that is,
> anything after and including the first dot, would produce really weird
> results if applied to filenames created by such people.

No, like IO:Path.suffix defines the suffix as at the last dot,
stemname should consider the last dot.

Thanks, Peter.


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