Den 30-04-2016 kl. 10:35 skrev Kaare Rasmussen:

Variations over [2] give inconclusive results, so I know I'm doing something (probably very basic) wrong. But what?

The current incancation tries to dup the STDIN fd to 14, which should be the second last bit in the 2nd uint8. But I've tried to mask in many other ways, with no better result.

Anyone who can spot the obvious?

I should probably tell that both dup, dup2 and select apparently work as far as they call their respective system calls. Using dup and dup2, I see a new fd in the list, and select waits for the given amount of seconds and returns 0, or returns sooner and returns 1. The result just isn't corresponding to the bit values I use when calling, and I can't seem to find a pattern.


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