Hi Kaare

It went well thanks and was well received.
My brief slides can be seen here <http://miltonkeynes.pm/talks/2016/09/perl6.pdf>

As you will see, I concluded that there is lots of good new stuff in Perl6 most of which fall in to the 'nice to have' category rather than Killer features which would motivate someone to learn Perl6.
With two exceptions.
IMHO, the ability to be able to generate Java classes or even Javascript from Perl6 is a killer feature. I realize that this functionality is not working at the moment but I plan to use this heavily when it is. I work in the Banking sector which is notoriously reticent about allowing use of Perl but is perfectly happy with Java.

I also think that the Grammars feature as a kind of modern day lex/yacc is really nice

Everyone seemed to agree with me too


On 15/09/2016 11:34, Kaare Rasmussen wrote:
Hi Tony
Thank you all for your input - I have started writing my talk and will publish my slides when I'm done.I may even video the talk and publish that too

How did it go (if I dare to ask)?


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