Dear Perl Mongers,

We have added an evening of fun and games to The Perl Conference in Amsterdam. We will be in the lobby on Thursday evening with an enormous amount of games, and you are very much welcome to bring your own games (board, card, or otherwise). Game night on the website:

The bar in the lobby will stay open until 23:00. If you consider joining us, please add Game Night to your Personal Schedule, so we can tell the staff of the venue how many beers, snacks and other goodies they need to have in stock, and how many staff they need at the bar.

The schedule is now complete, it has four tracks, it looks nice, you can add presentations to your personal schedule (which would make it clear for us if we have to move a talk to another timeframe, another room, or even another day, because of overwhelming attendance):

In case you did not yet register, please don't worry, we still love to have more attendees to the conference. Register here: .

Thank you again for your attention and patience. It is August and it will be only a few days before I can meet you in Amsterdam.

Kind regards,

Wendy van Dijk
co-organiser The Perl Conference in Amsterdam 2017 aka YAPC::Europe::2017

PS If you receive this message more than once, I do apologize. I have been sending this to several mailing lists.

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