On 09/08/2017 11:41 PM, ToddAndMargo wrote:
Hi All!

I am trying to convert some Perl 5 code to Perl 6.

What do I use in place of
     use Term::ReadKey qw ( ReadKey ReadMode );

I am trying to convert the following:

use Term::ReadKey qw ( ReadKey ReadMode );

sub DumpKeyboard () {
    # Dump the contents of the keyboard buffer, if any
    my $Trash;

    ReadMode 4; # Turn off controls keys
    while  ( defined ( $Trash = ReadKey ( -1, \*STDIN ) ) ) {
       # print "\$Trash = $Trash\n";
    ReadMode 1; # Reset tty mode before exiting


Follow up as promised.

P6 comes with a built in "prompt" sub.  It does it job.
But is not always appropriate as it

    1) retains any trash deliberately or accidentally placed
       in the keyboard buffer
    2) it requires that you press enter to terminate the command

So, I build my own "Pause" command to deal with the problems
of "prompt":

    1) dump (flush) the keyboard buffer
    2) print out a message of your choosing
    3) wait for a new (fresh) keyboard stroke
    4) return the ASCII equivalent key that was pressed

So with a ton of help from you guys and the chat line, this
is what I have come up with.

Thank you all for the help!

#!/usr/bin/env perl6
# Pause.pm6



    # zef install Term::termios   (as root)
    # zef install Terminal::Print::RawInput   (as root)

use Term::termios;
use Terminal::Print::RawInput;

sub Pause ( $PauseMessage) is export {
        This sub will
           1) dump (flush) the keyboard buffer
           2) print out $PauseMessage
           3) wait for a new (fresh) keyboard stroke
           4) return the ASCII equivalent key that was pressed

        Note: the GUI (Xfce, ec.) has precedence over reading
              unusual keys, such as the "F" keys, etc.

   my $char;
   my $saved_termios;
   my $termios;

   # Save the previous attrs
   $saved_termios := Term::termios.new(fd => 1).getattr;

   # Get the existing attrs in order to modify them
   $termios := Term::termios.new(fd => 1).getattr;

   # Set the tty to raw mode

   # int "\n";
   print "$PauseMessage";


   my $in-supply = raw-input-supply;
   react {
      whenever $in-supply -> $c {
         $char = $c.ord < 32 ?? '^' ~ ($c.ord + 64).chr !! $c;
         # printf "got: %3d  %2s  %2s\r\n", $c.ord, $c.ord.base(16), $char;

         # done if $c eq 'q';

   $saved_termios.setattr(:DRAIN) if $saved_termios;
   print "$char\n";
   return $char

And a tester for it:

#!/usr/bin/env perl6

use lib '/home/linuxutil';
use strict;
use Pause; # qw[ Pause ];

my @z = qw[z zz zzz zzzz snore];
say "Sleeping for ", @z.elems, " seconds.  Press some keys.";
for @z { sleep 1; print "$_ " }; print "\n";

my $Key = Pause( 'Press any key to continue (including weird keys)... ' );
print "The key that was pressed was <$Key>\n";

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