On 09/14/2018 08:07 PM, ToddAndMargo wrote:
     means it wants actual data in the string and not a Nil.
     The jargon for this requirement is that is is constrained
     to an actual value

     If it wanted a Nil, it would say ":U" or constrained to
     a Nil

Iteration 3:

    means it wants the variable "Defined" (Constrained).
    For example:
          my Str $x;
          my Int $i;

    The value of the variable may be empty but the variable
    does not become "defined" until a value is places in it.
    ("Nil" is seen as "Undefined")

    means the variable is "Undefined" (defaults to type "Any")

    For example:
          my $x;
          my $i;

$ p6 'my $x; if $x.defined {say "Defined"}else{say "Undefined"};'

$ p6 'my Real $x; if $x.defined {say "Defined"}else{say "Undefined"};'

$ p6 'my Real $x=3; if $x.defined {say "Defined"}else{say "Undefined"};'

$ p6 'my $x=3; if $x.defined {say "Defined"}else{say "Undefined"};'

$ p6 'my $x=3; dd $x'
Int $x = 3

$ p6 'my $x; dd $x'
Any $x = Any

$ p6 'my Real $x; dd $x'
Real $x = Real

$ p6 'my Real $x = 3; dd $x'
Int $x = 3

Huh ??????

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