On 04/10/2018 03:07, ToddAndMargo wrote:
Hi All,

In another thread, Timo wrote me:

        The "-->" part of the signature is optional. If there isn't
        one, it defaults to Mu, which is the type that everything
        conforms to, i.e. the sub or method that either has "--> Mu"
        explicitly, or has it by leaving it out, may return
        absolutely whatever it wants.

        After all, the "-->" part is a constraint, and it gets
        validated at compile time every time a sub or method

I got to thinking, some routines do not return anything.  Without
the "-->" constraint, how am I to determine if something is
being returned?

Yours in confusion,

On 10/3/18 6:44 PM, Timo Paulssen wrote:
I just spotted a grave mistake in my earlier mail:

the --> constraints are validated at *run* time, not *compile* time;
that's a very big difference, and an important one. Of course "every
time a sub or method returns" doesn't make much sense if i had meant
"compile time", but I felt i should really point it out before causing
too much confusion.

Hi Timo,

Thank you for the help over on the chat line with IN!

My confusion is not that it returns something (Mu).

My confusion is "what" it returns.  And not all subs
return things, like "say" and "print".

I am presuming I am to pick the "what" from context
from the examples?


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